Our Curriculum
The JSS International School follows the curriculum laid down by Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE). Our mission is to provide for the varying educational needs of a culturally diverse and geographically dispersed student body with a goal of preparing students academically, personally and professionally for successful careers. The school has designed an international curriculum that is built around a strong ethical component and sets considerable store of knowledge and respect for the cultures and values of different regions of the world.
Academic Environment
The programme stresses on Experiential and Collaborative Learning through workshops, interactive sessions, role plays, project work, group discussions and games. The integrated curriculum enables students to think and solve problems, and comprehend concepts with manifold perspective. The activity based learning enables students to enjoy the subjects and learn without any fear. We seek to redefine achievements based on the capability for life long learning and acquisition of life skills rather-than mere academic excellence. Focus is oriented on students and an activity based curriculum for the holistic growth of the child in enriching and challenging atmosphere.

Technology is an integral part of the curriculum from the primary classes onwards and is used as a vital tool to enhance and accelerate the learning process. Arabic is a compulsory language for all grades.
The curriculum aims to enable children to:
- become successful learners who enjoy learning;
- understand texts of different subjects so as to communicate knowledge and ideas in ways specific to the subject;
- articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts;
- use technology to access and provide information and to communicate with others;
- understand cross-curricular linkages- connect learning across subject areas;
- become confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- become responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society;
- understand and apply knowledge to real life experiences;
- exhibit sensitivity towards environmental issues;
- manage and utilize resources judiciously
Salient features of the curriculum
- The Curriculum is Child Centered
- Focus on using a wide range of learning experiences
- Sequential arrangement of learning experiences
- The Curriculum encourages an Integrated approach
- The Curriculum provides scope for Contextualization
- The Curriculum follows a Social Constructivist approach
- The Curriculum encourages development of Life Skills